Wow.  What a busy month we've had here at Clement Leadership Development!

From Cadent, to the Royal College of Paediatrics, I've been overwhelmed with the opportunities and achievements we have made this month.  

In previous Augusts, we've generally experienced a quieter period, but this year we've been amazed at just how busy we've been, and I can't believe it's already the time of the month to do the monthly rundown.

Whilst this month has been strenuous in parts, I have loved it, and the business opportunities continually reinforce the love for my job.

A particular highlight this month has been the breadth of stories and genuine smiles from such a diverse demographic of individuals.  Learning about others, their backgrounds, pasts and futures makes my job what it is.  I've noticed a sense of comfort I find in organisations with both indoor and outdoor spaces, which, upon reflection aligns with my roles in both Royal Mail and The AA. 

Whilst this month has consisted of surplus achievements, working for myself comes with sacrifices that have proven particularly challenging.  When reflecting on August, I understand  every sacrifice is worthwhile, however spending my Sunday evenings away from my family has been difficult.  

A word that comes to mind to encapsulate August would be 'diverse'.  Diverse in roles, diverse in people, diverse in organisation and diverse in location.  I've spent 11 days with InPD delivering to Cadent a programme which endeavours to enhance their customer journey.  Working with people, and communicating through these roles is my bread and butter, and the role I find myself drawn to time and time again.  Alongside this, I've also spent some time this month delivering a leadership programme to the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, executive coaching for 11 individuals, and preparing three proposals for executive coaching and leadership development.  It's fair to say I've been kept busy, to say the least. Amongst this diversity, has opened the opportunity for Clement Leadership Development to find means of facilitating organisations and individuals the tools they require to thrive.  

Reflecting on the past month, I was struck by an individual's observation of their clarity of the past, ideas for the future, but a lack of ability to articulate their present.  Here is where the power of executive coaching can act, being a present and future-looking learning intervention, we can aid individuals to communicate their perspective of their growth and development, as well as navigate clarity for the future, together.  

Clement Leadership Development sponsored Menfulness in the York 10k, and what a brilliant day it was.  I was humbled, and proud to have sponsored a charity as brilliant as theirs.  As August draws to a close, I can't help but notice the nights getting shorter, and the occasion autumnal breeze, meaning we're finally welcoming my favourite time of year. That's me for this month!  I look forward to what September has to bring…